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Annotated - Conversations with Media: Annotating the web


Tools for Annotation

Tools for annotation...


 Fox-It Reader 
iPad | Android $| Windows Phone
Fox-It Reader is a powerful PDF reader AND annotating tool. Mobile apps integrate with computer based applications.

A part of the Evernote suite, Skitch can be downloaded to a computer or used as on app on your apple or android device.  Capture an image or a screen from the web and draw to annotate.

Web-Based Tools

NoodleTools is more than a bibliographic tool. Create and organize notecards and even collaborate!

  • iCyte (free for education, save, cite, and organize webpages online)
  • Stickr (leave sticky notes anywhere on the web and share with friends to spark discussion)
  • Delicious (a social bookmarking tool, you can not only access your bookmarks from anywhere, but you can share!)

Annotating the web...

The experience of "cruising" the web can become overwhelming fast.  One link leads to another, and suddenly you've lost track of where you found what where.  Annotating the resources you've found on the web 

 helps you keep track of the path you've taken and identify paths not yet explored.
 makes it easier to compare two sites that have similar or conflicting information.
 allows you to relocate information easily, when needed.

Finding information may be faster on the web, but the varying level of credibility and the shear volume of information available makes annotation more important than ever. 

What tools might you use?

Keep a notepad (or electronic notebook) open and nearby when you're surfing the web.  Don't just take notes on what information you find, also track the keywords you've used to get there and identify other potential keywords you discover.


Bookmarking in the Browser
Bookmarking is an effective way to gather websites, although they can quickly become a mess.  Try renaming your bookmarks (rather than just hitting the button) so that you know what kind of information can be found on the site.  Or use an online bookmarking tool, like Delicious, which provide a space for annotation.

Web Annotation Software
A number of online software tools allow you to take notes on a web page (sometimes as a browser plug-in).  These may use the metaphor of sticky notes or highlighting.  It is most effective to look at all of these tools and decide first what will work best for you, then stick with it!  

Bibliographic Software
Using an online bibliographic tool, such as NoodleTools, allow you to use the power of "cut and paste" as you gather information on the web.  Noodle Tools notecard feature is set up perfectly to gather not just quotes, but also your ideas about what you've read.   


What to note...

Create a list of search terms, both used and potential.
If you are responding to a direct quote, include the quote in your comment.
Create lists of related links as an index to websites.  Annotate each link for reference.  Include a reference to site authorship or sponsorship, navigational insights, and   a brief description of what a visitor can expect to find useful or relevant on the site.  


Teaching annotation...

Teaching annotation...